Web Design Company

Web design London is one of the numerous search terms we are targeting as a professional design agency.  This article is designed to give you an insight in to why we are targeting web design London, factors we need to take into consideration, both positive and negative.

As a Web Design Company in London, we researched the best terms to target for our business.  One of the major factors was what people are searching for, and was it relevant to the services we offer.  There are many search engine tools that provide information on the keywords you are targeting, just search for it and see.

For instance, web design London on Google.co.uk has an organic search volume of 3600, including paid for searches, this increase to 4400.  The cost per click for web design London is $12.82 as of the 15th September 2015.  The term ‘web site design’ has a search volume of 14,800, significantly higher, however, this is not as targeted and relevant to our business.Currently, we are listed as third on Google.co.uk for ‘web design London’, we aim to improve this to first position within six months.

So what can we do to help improve our position on Google?  There are many options that we can look at to try and ‘manipulate’ our rankings, some more proven than others.  What is expressed below is our personal opinion, gathered from firsthand experience and reading numerous search engine articles over the years.

At ID Studio, we definitely believe that having the term Web Design Services London in the URL, title and within the heading tags will help.  We also believe that including the term early in the text for your page has a positive factor for your rankings.  The target term such as web design London should be repeated, but no too frequently that it could be classed as spamming.  You also need to consider that it may read poorly for the visitor you are trying to convert as a customer too.  There are numerous free software packages that can check this for you, look for ‘keyword stuffing software’ and take your pick!

Having a good page authority we believe is of high importance, this installs trust with Google in our option and tells them you are not a black hats trick web site.

Having some solid links to high authority pages can help, for example, for the term web design London having links to the BBC, Wiki etc. would in our option look good to Google.

What not to do, don’t try and deliberately fool Google with Stuffing, poor content, repetition, broken links, gateway pages etc.

For more information from a top web design London services company, contact ID Studio on 020 8948 5808 or email contact@netdreams.co.uk

More information please visit http://www.netdreams.co.uk




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